Insomnia and frequent interruptions in sleep at night are considered harmful to health in many ways. Health experts say all adults need at least 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night to keep the body healthy. People who have difficulty sleeping or insomnia should consult a doctor on time and get treatment. The problem of insomnia has been shown in studies to be dangerous for both physical and mental health.

Researchers say that a deficiency of a hormone called melatonin has been seen in people who often have problems with insomnia. Melatonin is the hormone that helps in getting good and deep sleep along with maintaining the proper sleep cycle. Is there any deficiency in you too? Let us understand how it can be improved.

Melatonin hormone is important
Melatonin is a hormone your brain produces in response to darkness. This is essential for maintaining your circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle) and getting good sleep. Melatonin production can also be disrupted due to light at night while sleeping.

It is important to know here that melatonin is not only necessary for sleep, its deficiency can also cause problems like anxiety and mood disorders, low body temperature, and an increase in estrogen hormone.

What are the signs of melatonin deficiency?
Generally, it is common to have problems with sleep disorders due to lack of melatonin, but apart from this, there are many other symptoms which are important for you to pay attention to.
Excessive sleepiness during the day and difficulty sleeping at night.
Circadian rhythm problems (changes in sleep-wake time)
Showing signs of rapid aging.
Having metabolic problems.

How to improve melatonin levels
Health experts say some measures can be taken to boost melatonin naturally. A balanced diet rich in nutrients is considered to play an important role in this. Melatonin hormone levels can be corrected by including antioxidant-rich foods, copper, and vitamin A in the diet. Apart from this, managing stress is also very important.

Meeting with a doctor can help in detecting the deficiency of melatonin in the body. Health experts may also advise people who have a severe deficiency to take melatonin supplements.