The use of aloe vera is good for health. It is beneficial for health as well as for skin and hair, aloe vera can be used in many ways to remove skin-related problems. Yes, some people use aloe vera. If you make a face pack and apply it, some people can apply it directly. But do you know that you can also do face cleanup with aloe vera? Yes, cleaning the face with aloe vera makes your skin healthy and glowing. Let us tell you here how you can clean your face with aloe vera.

Do face cleanup with aloe vera at home in these ways-

In fact clean up, the first thing is cleansing the face. You can cleanse your face with aloe vera gel. To do face cleansing, take two spoons of aloe vera gel, now prepare a paste by mixing one spoon of lemon juice in it, after that apply it on your entire face and massage for 4 minutes. After this wash the face with water.

After deep cleaning of the face, scrubbing the face is very important. This removes the dead skin on the face. While scrubbing the face with aloe vera, take 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel. Now add 2 spoons of oats powder to it, now apply it on your face and massage it with light hands. Now after 5 minutes wash your face with water. This will remove the spots on the face and the face will look clear.

Massaging is very important after scrubbing the face. You can massage your face with aloe vera gel. Take one spoonful of aloe vera gel for massaging. Mix one spoon of honey in it, now apply this paste on your face, and massage for 10 minutes. Let us tell you that by massaging the face, blood circulation improves and a glow comes to the face.