In today's time, everyone wants to look beautiful and attractive. To look beautiful, it is very important to be beautiful. To get beautiful skin, people stay together and take support from expensive products to treatments. But all these expensive things can prove to be harmful to the skin due to being chemical-rich. In this case, you can use olive oil face cleanser for your skin. Let us tell you that olive oil helps in keeping the skin deeply nourished by removing dead skin. With its use, your skin starts getting tight and helps you in reducing aging signs. Not only this, it keeps your skin soft and glowing. Let us know in detail about olive oil face cleanser through this article -

* Ingredients needed to make Olive Oil Face Cleanser:

1. Olive oil - 2 tsp

2. Curd - 1/3 cup

3. Honey - 1/4 cup

* Method of making olive oil face cleanser:

1. Olive oil face cleanser is very beneficial to make the skin clean and smooth, to make it, first of all, take a bowl.

2. After this add olive oil, honey, and curd to it.

3. Now mix all these things well.

4. In this way your homemade olive oil face cleanser is ready.

* Use olive oil face cleanser like this:

1. To use olive oil face cleanser, first of all, apply it well on your face.

2. After this, massage the face with light hands for about 2 minutes.

3. Now wash your face with lukewarm water and clean it.

4. After this apply some cream or lotion on the face.