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The appearance of pimples or acne on the face spoils the beauty. Many people get upset seeing small pimples on their faces. In such a situation, to get rid of it, remove the pimple with the help of a towel or other cloth and the pus starts coming out. This will reduce acne and inflammation on your face, but its side effects can be dangerous. Let us know what are the disadvantages of pimples-

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The towels we use in the bathroom can contain a lot of bacteria. When a pimple bursts or shrinks, bacteria enter the skin. This gives a chance to spread the infection. Several studies also suggest that bath towels carry bacteria. If the cloth is hard or thick and grains are coming out of it, then there is friction on the skin. This increases the risk of skin wounds and irritation or infection.

image credit: Newsweek

Excessive use of towels on raised pimples can cause drying of the skin. Because of this, the problem of acne can become even more serious. This means that profits can be small and losses can be huge. When we pop pimples we also have bacteria on our hands and nails which can transfer to the skin and cause bigger problems. This can lead to skin infections.