The way you get to know about the future is by looking at your horoscope. In the same way, the lines made in the palms also tell you about your past and future. By looking at these lines, not only can you know about your career, relationship and other important things related to life, but you will get to know many things related to health by looking at the lines on your palms.

By looking at the shape and direction of your lines, you can find out which disease you are suffering from or which disease you may have in future so that you can be alert in advance and take necessary precautions.

We talked to Pandit and Palmist Vinod Soni about this and he told us what secrets your palm reveals about your health.


  • If your nails are long then it is a sign that your lungs are weak.
  • If the nails are thin, then you will always have a problem of pain in the head and body.
  • Short nails indicate that you may have a throat problem.
  • If your nails are spoon-shaped, you may be malnourished.

Eye problem

If there is an island or a circular shape on your heart line, it means that your eyes will be weak and you may have a problem of blindness in the future.

Heart problem

  • If the heart line is broken then you may have a heart attack in the future.
  • If the heart light is thick, it means that you may have a fatty acid problem.

Dental problems

If the heart line is very thin and vertical lines are made in it, which cut each other, then you may have problems with gums and teeth.


If there are any kinds of dots on your headline, then you may have tension and a headache.

Mental health

If there is a lot of breakage in the headline or if there are chains, then the mental health of that person may deteriorate.

Bacterial infection

If there is a thin line of headline below your health line, it means that bacterial infection is always present in your body.

So once you must see the signs mentioned above by Pandit ji on your hands. If you are getting any similar signs, instead of panicking, pay attention to your health and contact the doctor.