Everyone wants to reach that point where his signature becomes an autograph. In numerology and graphology, it is believed that the signature represents you and it affects your career, finance as well as your destiny. According to numerology, sometimes the work done by you wrongly signing a document also gets spoiled.

That's why you have to change the way you sign. It has been told in numerology that a signature is a powerful method which also has the power to reverse your destiny. A signature's ability to act as a person's shadow extends its influence over human life far and wide and is linked to both graphology and numerology. So let's know when and how the signature is right or wrong.

Slant: Never slant the signature to the right or left. Signature slanting towards left and right makes the person living in past or future. He does not live in the present due to which many of his works start getting affected. The person should be helped to live in the present moment only then he can do the best work.

Pressure: Light or heavy pressure in signing indicates tension and induces the possibility of an error on the part of the person. One should always sign with normal pressure (so that his impression does not come through on the other side of the paper), and it blesses the person to strike a balance between emotion and logic and take realistic, logical and practical decisions.

Numerological Tips for Powerful Signature
1- Do not go from front to back after signing, doing this will work to push you back from the height.

2- Never put a full stop on your signature, by doing this you are putting a full stop on your speed.

3- After signing, stop the last word upwards, this will open the way to your destiny.

4- Never take the signature upwards and turn it downwards, because of this your luck also takes a U-turn.