Lemon grass in acidity: Lemongrass, which is a herb, can work in many problems related to the skin and stomach. The special thing about this herb is that it is anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, and is rich in many types of flavonoids. All these properties are good for the skin, but when it comes to the stomach, one of its properties works especially and that is its acidic property.

How lemongrass is effective in acidity - lemongrass for acid reflux

Decreases Acidic Bile Juice

The use of lemongrass in acidity is also effective because it is anti-acidic. First, it helps balance acidic bile juices, thereby lowering the acidic pH and reducing acidity.

Indigestion problem

Acidity due to indigestion can bother you more. When you take lemongrass, it reduces this indigestion and the metabolic rate of the stomach increases rapidly. Due to this, the food gets digested quickly and there is no problem of acidity.


Lemongrass is a diuretic that can help reduce acidity through urination. This lemongrass accelerates the functioning of the kidneys in the body, due to which the waste products go out of the body through urine and there is no acidity problem.

How to take lemongrass in acidity?

You can use lemongrass in many ways in acidity. You can drink its tea, you can drink its water and you can also take it by making chutney. If nothing else, crush lemongrass and extract its extract and consume it.

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