High-sodium (salt) foods have been considered harmful for health in many ways. Studies show that excessive consumption of salty foods increases the risk of increasing blood pressure, which is considered to be the main cause of heart disease. But its disadvantages are not limited to heart diseases only, this habit can also increase kidney disease, and bone weakness in you. That is, if you want to keep the body healthy and fit, then it is very important to reduce the amount of salt in the diet.

To prevent health problems caused by eating too much salt, it is first important to know how much salt we should eat. And how much salt can be harmful?

A report shows that most people in India eat two to three times more salt than the amount recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Are you also consuming too much salt?

How much salt is good for health?

WHO experts say that for good health, adults should not consume more than 4-5 grams of salt in a day. This amount is equal to one teaspoon of salt. It is important to understand here that salt intake does not mean only the salt added to food. Chips, namkeen, packed foods, junk food, etc. also contain high amounts of salt. Combining all these things, one should not eat more than one tablespoon of salt in a day.

Salt consumption is high in India.

Expressing concern in the WHO global report published in May this year, experts said that Indian people consume much more salt than the prescribed amount. In the report, India has been placed among the top 50 countries with excessive salt consumption. The ideal amount for a healthy body is up to 5 grams per person per day, while most people eat more than 11 grams of salt per day.

Due to the high consumption of sodium-rich things, the risk of heart disease, gastric cancer, obesity, osteoporosis and kidney diseases increases.

The risk of high blood pressure is increasing

The report of the National Family Health Survey says that one in every four people can be a victim of hypertension. Hypertension or high blood pressure is considered a major risk factor for heart diseases. Doctors say that blood pressure can be controlled by reducing the amount of salt in the diet. By improving this one habit, you can also avoid life-threatening health problems like heart attack and stroke.

Health experts have expressed concern that most people reduce salt in their food, but 70 percent of the salt content can be in processed foods and things like chips and namkeen, of which most people are unaware.

How to know if you are also eating too much salt?

Health experts say that due to eating too much salt, you may experience some symptoms immediately, which becomes necessary to pay attention to. Due to the consumption of things containing more salt, you may have problems like bloating, high blood pressure, swelling in the feet, excessive thirst. If you also experience such problems then reduce the intake of salt or those things which may contain excess salt.

(pC: Freepik)