Rice is an important part of Indian food and is eaten in different ways in different states of the country. But regarding the consumption of rice, people believe that rice consumption increases weight. To reduce obesity or keep weight under control, people often stop eating rice.

In such a situation, the question arises whether rice consumption really increases obesity? Apart from this, what effect can rice have on our health? Is its consumption beneficial or harmful. If you also do not eat rice or eat less to lose weight, then this article gives the correct information related to rice consumption.

Does eating rice increase weight?

Rice mainly consists of carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy. White rice (refined rice) is high in carbohydrates and low in fiber. Therefore, consuming more white rice can lead to weight gain, especially if you live an inactive lifestyle or have high calorie consumption.

However, it is important to note that rice itself is not the cause of weight gain, but it depends on the quantity and way in which you are eating it. According to experts, consuming rice in limited quantities does not lead to weight gain. It does not increase the amount of fat in the body.

The right way to consume rice
Brown rice contains more fiber, vitamins and minerals than white rice. It is digested slowly, which does not make you feel hungry for a long time and helps in controlling weight.

Amount of rice
Rice should be consumed in limited quantities. For a normal adult, 1 to one and a half bowls of rice at a time is sufficient.

Diet with rice
Rice should be eaten with lentils, vegetables, salad or curd. This mixture makes your meal balanced. However, avoid consuming fried rice or rice with more oil. This increases the calorie intake.

The right time to consume rice
The best time to eat rice is considered to be lunch. At this time the body's digestive power is high and the energy obtained from rice can be used throughout the day. If you eat rice at night, eat it lightly and keep the quantity limited. Due to the low metabolism rate of the body at night, rice may take more time to digest.