If you are in a relationship or married, then you must be taking care of your partner's likes and dislikes. Most couples think about each other and take care of their wishes. Love and affection in a relationship encourage you to do whatever you don't like for your partner. For example, often people start wearing clothes according to the choice of their partner, their choice of food starts matching with the life partner, etc.

It is said that people in love are ready to do anything for their partner. Especially if the partner wants some work from you, then you accept them without any objection.

However, if you want your relationship with your spouse to last for a long time, never do any work for your partner despite having a lot of love in the relationship. The things that you are ready to do first to make your partner happy, with time become a problem. Let us know which things should not be done for the partner despite being in love.

To control
Your partner may try to control your living. If your partner decides for you what to do and what not, then never adopt this behavior of theirs. Often people tell their spouse how to live, who to be friends with, and who not to talk to. Controlling the partner's relationship may seem right in the initial days of the relationship but will become the cause of dispute between you in the future.

Emotional and physical abuse
No matter how much you love your partner, always be strict about their behavior. If the partner tortures mentally, emotionally, or physically, beats or uses abusive words, then do not tolerate it at all. The partner may tell you that you do not appreciate their feelings, you do not love them. In this way, he can also try to make you emotionally weak but do not laugh off such behavior.

Farthest away
Many people become extra concerned and possessive of their partner. He keeps his partner away from their friends or close ones. They do not like that their spouse spends more time with their friends. You may feel that he is doing this because of more love but do not adopt this attitude of your partner. To exercise authority over you, he starts controlling your personal life and alienates you from others.

Impose choice
If the partner starts imposing his/her choices on you or asks you to do what he/she likes without taking into consideration your feelings, then do not change yourself for them. Often partners start changing you according to them. In love, you forget your personality and start living according to your partner's wishes. Many times the partner jokingly does body shaming, which you laugh off or start changing yourself for them. Do not change yourself even for the partner, forgetting your choice and adopting their choice will never be able to keep the relationship alive for a lifetime.

(PC: iStock)