Relationship Tips: Lying in a relationship is like cheating on your partner. Its consequences can be bad and there is no scope to avoid it. But what if we tell you that there are some such lies too, which can make your relationship stronger rather than harming it? Yes, there are some lies that you tell your partner just because you don't want them to feel bad. However, you must know when and how to tell these lies. So let's know what kind of lie we are talking about.

Many times it happens that your partner works very hard to make you feel special or bring a smile to your face. It is possible that at that time your mood is off and despite these efforts, you are not able to smile on your face, then lie but laugh for a while. This will appreciate their hard work and they will also be happy. If you understand their hard work and love, then maybe they will feel very good.

We understand that it may not happen all the time that we miss our partner 24 hours a day. Sometimes, we get too busy with our work or with our friends and don't have time to miss our partner. In such a situation, make sure to call or text them and let them know that you are missing them.

Many times, our partners buy us gifts and make special plans for us. But it may also happen that we do not like their gifts. So, instead of telling them the truth, you can happily appreciate their choice.

When you are in a relationship, you sometimes end up spilling the truth about your past love affairs and crushes. You don't need to tell them all this, by this you will be able to reduce the fighting between the two of you in the coming future.

If your partner painstakingly cooks something for you to eat, make them feel good and appreciate their food. Even if you don't like the food much or there is some deficiency in it, don't let them feel that way.
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