Diabetes Remedies: Most of the festivals were celebrated in the month of November. Every festival in India is considered incomplete without sweets. A lot of sweets are eaten during the festival season. Eating too many sweets increases the sugar level. Diabetes patients often remain worried after the festive season. If your sugar level has also increased then this article is useful for you. Today we are going to tell you 4 such measures by which you can control sugar level.

Do exercise

You can do exercise daily to control sugar level. By exercising, the glucose level of the body remains under control.

Stay hydrated

If your sugar level has increased due to eating sweets, then this solution is useful for you. If you stay hydrated then your sugar level will remain under control. One must drink 8 glasses of water in a day.


To control the increased sugar level, the most important thing is to correct the diet. Consume fiber rich things in your diet and consume more juices and vegetables. Eating fiber rich vegetables and fruits helps in controlling sugar.

Good sleep

Good sleep is considered the solution to many problems. At the same time, good sleep is very important to control blood sugar level. To control sugar, 7 to 8 hours of sleep is very important.

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