(Uric Acid High Level In Females) The risk of joint pain, swelling and arthritis increases when uric acid increases in the body. Not only this, its high level does not even allow you to move from one place. Uric acid breaks down when the amount of purine in the body is high and is not filtered by the kidneys, after which it takes the form of uric acid. Uric acid gets deposited in the joints along with the blood. The kidney cannot filter it. Due to its accumulation, there is a problem of joint pain, swelling and arthritis. This disease increases rapidly due to poor diet. The reason for this is also the consumption of things by a high amount of the public. Whereas it increases more in women. Let us know the reason, symptoms and prevention of high uric acid in women.

Why uric acid increases in women
Purine is the main reason for the formation of uric acid in the body. Our food is responsible for this. High uric acid is also called hyperuricemia. In this situation, the particles of uric acid dissolve in the blood and start increasing rapidly. The problems caused by it affect the routine. On the other hand, the reason for the increase in Uric Acid in Females is obesity, poor diet, diabetes, excessive fasting and stress. Because of this, it affects women by staying in their bodies. After taking the form of arthritis, it almost stops getting up and walking. Due to high uric acid, there is a gap in the bones of the joints.

This is the normal level and symptoms of uric acid in women
Uric acid levels are measured in mg and dl uric. According to experts, the normal level of uric acid in women should be 2.4 to 6.0 mg/dL. However, in today's time, most women are worried because of its increase. On the other hand, the main symptoms of high uric acid in women include joint pain, swelling, back pain, vomiting, frequent urination and difficulty in walking.

By following these tips, you can avoid the problem of uric acid.
To avoid the problem of uric acid, reduce the intake of purine-rich things. Along with this, do workouts in the morning and evening. Make a habit of walking at least 10 thousand steps every day. Do not consume red meat, seafood, peas, mushrooms and beans in excess.