The happiness of married life is based on love and trust, but it is also very important to have a quality like emotional intelligence between husband and wife. As soon as one enters youth, every young man and woman starts dreaming of a good life partner and when he gets a life partner of his dreams, then his relationship becomes happy.

Divya, a resident of Noida, who is an HR manager, says about her happy relationship, “We both are very emotional, but not emotionally weak. My husband is of a calm nature, whereas I like to laugh and joke a lot. Whenever my husband is under office-related stress, then I try to make him normal by making him laugh. This laughing and joking works as a kind of medicine in our fights and the ups and downs of life. If your life partner is a cheerful person or jovial, then most of the problems of life automatically reduce.”

Happy Relationship
The life of a husband and wife who have mutual understanding, love, trust, respect for each other, positive thinking, and maturity is very beautiful. Such a relationship is a happy relationship.

Reduction in mental stress
It is very important to have a special quality like emotional intelligence in such a relationship. With its help, the couple can make any decision wisely even while being emotional, and can make their relationship better for a long time. Mental stress can also be reduced to a great extent with this.

How to fill sweetness in the relationship
One should always respectfully talk to his life partner and make the surrounding environment pleasant by laughing and joking. Doing this reduces mental stress. Whenever there is a fight with the life partner, it is a normal thing that he gets very angry, so stay calm at that time, because any decision taken in anger can harm your relationship. If you want to make your relationship happy for a long time, then keep your thinking positive, because negative thinking spoils the relationship first of all.

Self awareness is also important

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Aryabhatta College, Delhi University, Dr. Varsha Singh says, that along with relationships, you should be emotionally intelligent in life as well. If you can control your emotions effectively, then the relationship can improve. Apart from this, you should have self-awareness. If you are jealous, then find out the reason and also know how it will affect your reaction. It is important to control your emotions. If you are getting angry, then do not start breaking things, but calmly tell your things.

If there is any challenge in the relationship socially, then how do both of you face it together, you should know this emotional regulation. This makes the relationship very good, as well as helps you to communicate effectively with your life partner. With effective communication, you can openly tell your thoughts to your spouse and express yourself. This solves half the problem automatically.