Relationship Tips: Boys often complain that it is difficult to understand girls, especially when it comes to knowing their hearts. By understanding whether the girl likes you or not, you can tell her what is in your heart. When a girl is in love, her body language changes completely. However, usually, no one pays attention to this. If you also want to know the condition of the girl, then you can understand from some of her gestures whether she is in love or not.

Share things
When the girl shares everything related to her life and family with you, then understand that you are very important in her life. This is a good sign that she likes you.

Make eye contact
Eyes tell everything. If the girl talks looking you in the eye, then understand that she feels some connection with you.

Bear in mind
When you like someone, you care about them. If the girl herself gets upset after seeing your problem, then understand that you are more than a friend to her.

To praise
If the girl likes you then she sees everything special in you. She compliments you. You can recognize the hidden love for yourself in their praise.