Although alcohol is considered bad for health, a red wine made from black grapes is considered good for health. This happens when it is consumed as medicine. Red wine contains iron, magnesium and vitamin C. Plus; it contains antioxidants like resveratrol and polyphenols. It protects against free radicals, boosts immunity and relieves stress. Today we are telling you about the benefits of red wine. This information has been shared by Dietician Simran Saini.

Experts say, “Red wine is considered a relaxing drink, which is liked by people of all ages. Drinking it in the right amount can provide many health benefits. First, we need to understand that red wine is an alcoholic drink that is made by formatting black grapes.

Makes skin glowing

Antioxidants are good for the body and red wine is one of the best sources of it. The grapes used in red wine contain anti-oxidants like resveratrol, catechins and pro-anthocyanins. With these, the signs of ageing can be reduced.

Apart from this, anti-oxidants are also necessary for the body to protect the cells from free radicals.

Controls hormones

Wine helps to control hormones like estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and thyroid.

  • Wine increases estrogen hormone, which affects periods and weight.
  • Wine lowers progesterone. Fertility is affected by this.
  • Wine increases the level of prolactin, which makes periods regular. Also, dryness in the vagina is removed and the problem of hot flashes is relieved.
  • Metabolism slows down due to a disturbance in the thyroid and depression and fatigue start. Wine controls the thyroid.

Lowers bad cholesterol

Bad cholesterol in the system can be reduced by drinking red wine. The anti-oxidant present in it can reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or bad cholesterol. In addition, the polyphenols present in it improve heart health.

In addition, drinking red wine protects the blood vessel lining in the heart and helps increase HDL or good cholesterol.

Blood sugar is controlled

A red wine made from black grapes contains resveratrol. This natural element helps in controlling blood sugar. When combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, it controls blood sugar levels in women with type 2 diabetes.

Other advantages

  • The resveratrol present in it increases serotonin in the brain, which relieves stress.
  • Red wine has anti-inflammatory properties, which relieve joint pain.
  • Relieving stress leads to a good night's sleep.
  • Acne is reduced due to the anti-acne properties of resveratrol.


  • Avoid drinking wine on an empty stomach, as it is acidic.
  • Drink plenty of water before and after drinking wine.
  • Have protein-rich snacks with wine.

Furthermore, red wine is not a cure for any disease. It can only reduce the symptoms to some extent.

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