Many people feel severe pain or burning sensation while passing urine. There can be many reasons behind this, in which UTI is the main one. This problem can also occur due to many other infections. This problem can occur in both women and men, although it is more common in women. Many times people do not talk about it because of shyness. Especially women ignore it, but it is very important to pay attention to it in time. Dietician Neha Mahajan has shared information from her Instagram account about the reasons that can cause pain while urinating.

Stones in the bladder or kidney

This can also be a reason for pain while passing urine. The problem of stones in the kidney or bladder is quite common in today's time. Due to the stone occurring in the kidney, there is an obstruction in the flow of urine many times and due to this, there can be pain in passing urine.

Sexually transmitted infection

This can also be a reason for pain or burning sensation in urine. This infection can happen due to unprotected sex. It is important to recognize its symptoms in time because if this infection increases then it can create difficulties. Itching and discharge in the vagina can also be its symptoms.

Urinary tract infection

UTI is the most common problem occurring in women. Burning or pain while urinating, frequent urination and increased urge to urinate at night, blood in the urine are all symptoms of UTI. This infection occurs when bacteria enter the organs present in the urinary tract. Is. It can be cured with the help of medicines but it is also very important to take care of hygiene.

Kidney infection

If you are having pain while passing urine, then one of the reasons could be a kidney infection. Pain and burning may be felt while passing urine due to kidney infection. Although it has many other symptoms this is also one of them. If a kidney infection is not treated on time, it can cause a lot of trouble.

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