Every day a huge number of people travel by Indian train and reach their destination. There are many types of classes to travel on the train, and there are other classes like AC 1, AC 2, AC 3, Chair Car, and Sleeper. Apart from these, some bogies are also general in the train, which is placed in the front and back of the train. In such a situation, if you also travel with these general coaches, then there is good news for you because Indian Railways has made some announcements for general coaches. Knowing about this announcement, you will know that now the journey will become comfortable, especially for passengers traveling long distances. So let's know about this. You will know about this in the next slides...

Indian Railways has started a mission for general coaches fitted in the express and mail trains, under which the journey of passengers traveling in these bogies can be made comfortable.

These facilities will be available under the mission
Indian Railways has instructed to make arrangements for the availability of drinking water, cheap food, and vending trolleys near unreserved coaches. With this, the journey of passengers traveling in general coach can be very comfortable.

Not only this, it has been asked to ensure the availability of water and sanitation on board. While on one hand housekeeping staff will be deployed at regular intervals to clean the coaches, on the other hand, the management will have to plan to fill the water toilets of unreserved coaches at watering stations along the way. Along with this, drinking water booths will also be installed.

However, initially, this order has been given to the General Managers of all Zonal Railways. Significantly, people travel in general coaches even in this scorching heat. In such a situation, the Railways want to ensure that the passengers traveling in the general coach are getting basic services or not.

(PC: iStock)