Thousands of people travel by train every day and make their reservations before travelling on the train. Before buying the ticket, one is also given the option of which seat he would like to take. Most people prefer to take a lower berth or an upper berth. At the same time, there are some rules regarding the middle berth. We will tell you about this.

Know these important things about the middle berth

The train has multiple sections and as per the rules, a middle berth passenger cannot sleep in his berth before 10:00 pm and after 6:00 am. A section of a train has a lower berth, middle berth, upper berth and side upper berth. You cannot sleep or sit on the middle berth before or after a certain time even if you want to. The passenger can sleep on his seat only after 10:00 p.m. and till 6:00 a.m.

Not only this, no passenger can sleep even during ticket checking. Even if a passenger is tired during the day and wants to sleep, he still has to sit on the train till 10 p.m.

This rule also applies to ticket checking on trains

Let us tell you that during your journey, TTE cannot check your ticket by disturbing you after 10:00 p.m. and TTE has the right to do ticket verification only between 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Let us tell you that if any passenger does not follow these rules of the TTE Railway Board, then strict action can be taken against him. Apart from this, if any passenger does not follow the rules related to the middle berth, then action can be taken against him. Due to these reasons, many passengers do not like to choose the middle berth.

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