Most of the people who exercise consume non-veg and protein powder for muscle building. But this is not the only way to strengthen muscles. There are also many vegetarian options available which are rich in protein and can help you in building muscles. You can take the help of these 5 protein-rich vegetables for this.

Small-grained peas are often overlooked, but it is a treasure trove of protein. One cup of cooked peas provides about 8.6 grams of protein. Also, fiber and vitamin A are found in abundance in it.

Broccoli is not only a good source of protein (2.6 grams of protein in one cup) but it also contains vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. It also helps in muscle recovery. You can eat broccoli raw in salad or you can eat it by steaming or cooking it as a vegetable.

Spinach is also a vegetable rich in protein. One cup of cooked spinach provides about 5 grams of protein. Spinach also contains iron and calcium which help in strengthening bones. You can include spinach in a salad or eat it as a paratha or vegetable.

Sweet potato
Sweet potato is not only tasty but also rich in nutrients. It contains protein (4 grams per cup) as well as complex carbohydrates which provide energy. Sweet potato is a better option for quick recovery after a workout.

Mushroom is often classified as a fruit rather than a vegetable, but it is a good source of protein. About 3 grams of protein is found in one cup of chopped mushrooms. , vitamin D is found in mushrooms which is very important for bones. You can include mushrooms in any vegetable or soup.

How to eat vegetables for maximum benefits
Do not overcook vegetables, let them remain crisp so that the nutrients are not destroyed.
Eat healthy fats, such as olive oil or avocado, with vegetables. This helps the body absorb nutrients.
Include a variety of vegetables in your diet every day to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

(PC: Freepik)