Since independence, many constitutional rights have been given to women in the country to uplift them at the social and economic levels. In today's present scenario, after the arrival of the information revolution, globalization has got a new dimension. In such a situation, every sector of the society is changing rapidly. Due to the arrival of this wind, the deep roots of a patriarchal society which were present in the society for a long time. She is getting weak. Today women are becoming empowered at every level. Women are also given equal rights in ancestral property along with men. In such a situation, what rights does the husband have in the wife's property after marriage? There is a lot of confusion regarding this. Many times people have a question whether a husband can sell his wife's property without her consent? If you also want to know about this topic. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about this -

It is worth noting that no person can sell any property which is not in his name. If we talk about the wife's property, you can sell it only if the wife has her permission.

You cannot sell the property registered in your wife's name without her permission. Apart from this, for your information, let us tell you that the property which the husband has acquired on his own is in his name. His wife has no rights to him.

Even if the husband buys some property in his wife's name with his own money. In this situation, his wife will have rights over that property. A man cannot sell such property anywhere without his wife.

Apart from this, if the husband dies. In such a situation, it is the property acquired by him himself. The rights over it belong to his mother and widowed wife. You need to be aware of these rights and rules related to property.