Pregnancy Loose Motion Remedies: During pregnancy, women have to make many changes in their diet. Because of this, along with obesity, problems like indigestion, gas, and acidity also bother them a lot. Many times they also face the problem of loose motion.

During pregnancy, the hormonal changes in the body have a direct effect on digestion. Because of this, there can be many problems related to the stomach, especially loose motion. During pregnancy, women need many vitamins and nutrition. Which can sometimes prove to be harmful to the stomach.

Pregnant women should adopt these measures in loose motion

1. If you are pregnant and often troubled by loose motion, then you must include apples, bananas, and rice in your diet. This is a panacea to deal with loose motion. The pectin element is found in apples, which does not allow your stool to become thin.

2. Consuming lemon and ginger proves beneficial when there is loose motion during pregnancy. For this, mix salt in a lemon and drink it. Along with the loose motion, it is also an effective remedy for relieving diarrhea and nausea.

3. Consuming ginger is also effective in the problem of loose motion in pregnancy. To get rid of it, you can drink ginger tea.

4. Mint tea or its juice water is also beneficial in loose motion. All you have to do is mix mint juice in half a cup of water and drink it.

Tips to avoid loose motion

  • Drink plenty of water even during pregnancy. This will keep your body hydrated as well as it is good for the baby to be born.
  • Avoid using too many dairy products during loose motion.
  • Avoid spicy and fried food in loose motion.
  • Do not take any kind of medicine by yourself to cure loose motion in pregnancy. Do consult your doctor once.