Diabetes & Infertility: High blood sugar or diabetes can cause many health ailments, not only does it affect the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves, but high blood sugar can also directly affect a person's reproductive health. If you are planning to have a baby; So it is important to keep your blood sugar level under control to avoid any problems during conception, pregnancy period and delivery.

High blood sugar and infertility
Diabetes is a long-standing disease; It not only affects the way you digest sugar/glucose. Rather, it also affects the process of making energy from food. Its effect can be seen in all parts of the body from eyes to skin. If blood sugar is not kept under control, the chances of infection and gangrene increase and this can affect your fertility.

According to Dr Ritu Hinduja, Fertility Consultant, Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai, infertility due to diabetes is commonly seen in both men and women. Infertility refers to the inability to conceive even after one year of trying to conceive. Diabetes can affect the ability to become pregnant and have a baby successfully. This causes hormonal disruption which in turn can lead to delayed or failed conception. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may be associated with women with type I and II diabetes. This can lead to oligomenorrhea (irregular periods) or secondary amenorrhea (absence of periods).

According to Dr Tusharika Rai, MBBS, MS and Infertility Specialist at Crysta IVF in Varanasi, diabetes can affect the success rate of IVF. If diabetes is not under control, it can affect egg and sperm quality. For this, it is very important to control diabetes. Simen you have to take medicine regularly, if it is cured by the use of medicine then it is good; Otherwise, you should adopt stress management, weight loss, healthy lifestyle.

How do get diabetes patients IVF treatment done?
According to Dr Tusharika, some couples do not even know that they have diabetes, in which case IVF is not successful. Some people have to ask whether we can get IVF done for diabetes, and then the answer is, of course not! If diabetes is not under control, then many injections are required in IVF, due to which the risk of infection remains. Apart from this, the quality of egg and sperm is very poor, even if good embryos are found, it may depend on the control of blood sugar whether it sticks in the uterus or not at the time of implantation.
Make these changes in the lifestyle of couples struggling with infertility
According to Dr Ritu Hinduja, if your partner has diabetes, then there is nothing to worry about. Diabetes does not necessarily always lead to infertility. ART techniques can help couples struggling with infertility to a great extent. Hence before conceiving, couples must ensure to maintain blood sugar levels within the prescribed range. Apart from this, your BMI and body weight should be ideal for conception, do daily exercise, and eat a balanced diet, especially instead of junk foods, fried foods, and processed and packaged foods.
Quit food, smoking and alcohol, take supplements as prescribed by the doctor, get enough rest and be stress-free. Visit your doctor for regular health check-ups. If trying to conceive, talk to your gynaecologist so that they can prescribe you medicines that are safe in pregnancy and strictly necessary to control blood sugar.