The Corona epidemic that started across the world at the end of 2019 has seriously affected our health. Even though the pace of infection is now quite controlled, post-Covid and its related health risks are still being seen in a large number of people. In some studies, health experts expressed serious concern and said that compared to before, many types of health challenges have increased. Now severe forms of many infectious diseases are being seen, which has placed a huge burden on the health sector.

During the pandemic, a large number of people were seen suffering from black fungus infection and monkeypox, while researchers say that now compared to before, immunity problems are being seen to increase in people.

In such a situation, the question arises what kind of change has happened in our health after the pandemic? Which diseases are doctors very worried about?

People's immune system has become weak
Regarding increased health problems after Corona, Dr. Shilpa Sharma, surgeon of the Children's Department at AIIMS Delhi, said that the Corona epidemic has increased many types of health problems. Problems related to immune system deficiency are being seen more in people who have recovered from COVID-19, hence the cases of problems like viral infection, skin allergy, cholecystitis, and appendicitis have increased significantly as compared to before. Cases of viral infection are now being seen persisting for more than a period of 3-4 days.

Cases of these types of infectious diseases are being seen in people of almost every age.

Risk of heart attack
Regarding the increased risk of heart attack after Corona, Dr. Shilpa said that the problems of heart disease have also increased rapidly since the Corona epidemic. Dehydration and blood clotting can be a big risk for this. There are many cases where people die due to sudden heart attacks in the gym.

Heart problems are being seen in most of the people who are victims of Corona infection, as a precaution, all people should consult a doctor and get their heart health thoroughly checked.

Alert regarding post-Covid and its risks
Studies have been continuously alerting about the health problems caused by Post Covid and Long COVID-19. The Tamil Nadu health department reported in a study that about 6% of patients who recovered from COVID-19 between March 2020 and March 2022 had died by July 2023. Nearly 20% of deaths occurred in the 61-80 age group and the death rate among those aged 40 and younger has been close to one percent.

Not only this, many types of problems are being seen persisting for a long time in people who are victims of Corona infection, even after recovery.

More problems in people with comorbidities
The study report shows that 41 percent of the people infected during the second wave of Corona needed to be admitted to hospitals. Most of these people were suffering from comorbidities. Among these, the highest number of patients with diabetes (15.5%) and high blood pressure (13.6%) were seen.

The study report said the coronavirus has affected health in many ways. Cases of serious complications due to this have also been seen more often. Due to the way the pandemic has affected the body's immunity, there is a possibility that risks may persist in the future.