Cold has knocked. Besides, the havoc of pollution is also being seen. The risk of pink eye infection is also increasing in this season. Although this problem can occur at any time of the year, it is believed that this problem increases more during the winter season. This is the time when people stay together in a closed place. This increases the risk of infection. Pollution is also responsible for this. If you also want to avoid pink eye infection, then these measures may be useful for you.
Ways to avoid pink eye infection
- The best way to avoid infection is to take full care of hygiene. Take care of hand hygiene. Whenever you come from outside, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your eyes without washing your hands.
- If someone in your office or home has an eye infection, then keep your distance from them. Avoid going to crowded places
- Whenever you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose. Because droplets coming out of sneezing can also increase pink eye infection.
- Be sure to wear dark glasses while travelling. This can protect your eyes from getting infected.
- Avoid sharing towels, pillows or makeup products with others as this can also spread the infection.
- Keep your hands away from your eyes and face during flu season. This can significantly reduce the risk of infection.
How to treat pink eye infection
- If the eyes have become infected then you can apply a cold compress. This can provide relief from pain and burning sensation. Be careful not to put too much pressure on the eyes while compressing.
- Take full care of eye cleanliness. Clean the eyes with cold water. Clean the sticky substance from the eyes with the help of tissue.
- Use lubricating eye drops to help relieve the symptoms of prickly eyes.
- If you are suffering from infection then avoid wearing contact lenses. Apart from this, also avoid applying eye makeup.
- Avoid rubbing the eyes as this can make the symptoms worse.
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