PC: tv9hindi

Pitru Paksha has great importance in the Hindu religion. During this time, rituals like Pind Daan, Tarpan, and Shraddha are performed for the peace of the souls of our ancestors. Pitru Paksha, starting from the full moon day of Bhadrapada month, lasts for 16 days, which ends on Sarvapitri Amavasya. During these 16 days, specific rituals are performed for their ancestors as per the lunar calendar. For those who do not know the specific dates or for various other reasons, Shraddha for forgotten ancestors can be performed on Sarvapitri Amavasya.

This year Pitru Paksha is starting from 29th September. Let us know about the importance of Pitru Paksha, the process of Tarpan, and related mantras.

Importance of performing Shraddha for ancestors:

Performing Shraddha during Pitru Paksha is considered important for the peace of the souls of one's ancestors. It is believed that during Pitru Paksha the souls of ancestors come to the earthly world. By performing rituals like Pind Daan, Tarpan, and Shraddha on specific dates, one can provide peace to the souls of their ancestors and receive their blessings. It is believed that the blessings of ancestors can help in overcoming obstacles and difficulties in life. It is believed that neglecting to perform these rituals results in Pitra Dosh, which can lead to various problems and difficulties. Therefore, it is considered essential to follow Shraddha rituals to attain peace and harmony.


Perform tarpan like this:

Offering Tarpan is an important aspect of Pitru Paksha rituals. The method of tarpan is as follows:

On the first day of Pitru Paksha, tie 16 bundles of Kusha grass and every day before sunrise, take one bundle and keep it under the Peepal tree, facing south. Fill a pot with water, and add Ganga water, milk, sugar, black sesame, and barley in it. Consider the bundle of Kusha as a symbol of your ancestors and pour the prepared mixture on it and offer it. Do this ritual daily for 16 days. Offer tarpan like this for 16 days and feed it to cow, dog, and crow every day.

PC: Agniban

Mantra for offering prayers to ancestors

पितृभ्य:स्वधायिभ्य:स्वधा नम:। पितामहेभ्य:स्वधायिभ्य:स्वधा नम:।

प्रपितामहेभ्य:स्वधायिभ्य:स्वधा नम:

ॐ पितृ देवतायै नम:

ओम आगच्छन्तु में पितर एवं ग्रहन्तु जलान्जलिम