Generally, people consider feeding pigeons or other birds as their religion, apart from this, feeding them food and water is also considered auspicious. But these days the risk of serious diseases (Pigeon Breeder Disease) is increasing in people due to pigeons. Yes, feeding pigeons can be very bad for your health. People are still unaware of this dangerous disease and keep coming in contact with pigeons (Diseases Caused by Pigeons). Pigeons walk here and there and they excrete beet everywhere. In such a situation, their excreta can make you ill. Because there are such infections in pigeon beats (Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Disease) which cause a lot of damage to your lungs. In such a situation, you need to know about this disease.

What is Bird Breeder's Lung Disease?
Bird breeder damages the lungs of the individual and is also known as avian hypersensitive pneumonitis. It is a respiratory disease caused by exposure to bird droppings, feathers and dust. The disease is a variant of the disease of the lung parenchyma (interstitial lung disease-ILD), which causes scarring and fibrosis of the lungs due to repeated inhalation of airborne antigens. In addition, several environmental factors are associated with the development of hypersensitivity pneumonitis and one of them is exposure to birds.

Bird Breeder's Lung Disease Causes
According to health experts, bird breeder's lung disease is caused by inhalation of avian antigens. It can cause an immune response in susceptible individuals. These antigens are found in bird feathers, beets and dust.

Pigeon Breeder Disease Symptoms
Symptoms of bird breeder's lung disease include shortness of breath, cough, fever, chest tightness and fatigue. Its symptoms usually develop from several months to years, in which case it can be difficult to treat. Because of this, the lungs start getting damaged gradually.