PID is a common health problem affecting many women around the world. But the risk of getting this disease is more in those women who have many sexual partners or someone in the family is suffering from PID. Although this problem can happen to a woman of any age, it is common in sexually active young women.

PID is an infection in the vagina and cervix that spreads to other organs after infecting the genital tract. It damages the reproductive organs, leading to infertility and other problems. How does pelvic inflammatory disease affect fertility? This information is being shared by DrKshitijMurdia, CEO and Co-Founder of Indira IVF.

What is PID?

PID is an infection that affects the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. According to a report by the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI), 24-32% of women in India suffer from PID.

The infection is usually caused by bacteria and starts in the vagina. Then, it spreads to the uterus and other reproductive organs.

Causes of PID

Common causes of PID include sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea. There are no visible symptoms in these types of STIs. Therefore, when a woman has gonorrhoea or chlamydia, she does not get treatment at the right time. PID is also caused by anaerobic bacteria such as Gardnerella vaginalis.

Symptoms of PID

  • lower abdominal pain
  • vaginal discharge
  • Irregular periods
  • high fever
  • Pain during a sexual relationship
  • pain while urinating
  • frequent urination
  • Swelling
  • pelvic pain
  • effect on fertility

PID causes damage to the reproductive organs, especially the fallopian tubes. Fallopian tubes carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization of female eggs and male sperm takes place here. When the tubes are damaged, there is a blockage in the process, which can lead to infertility problems.

PID also causes scarring of the uterus, which makes it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant. In addition, PID can damage the ovaries. This affects the ability to release eggs and the production of hormones.

PID Treatment

PID is curable. However, treatment of PID cannot heal the scars caused by the infection. The longer the infection lasts in the body, the higher the risk of infertility. The first line of treatment for PID is antibiotics.

Prevention of PID

PID is caused by STIs, so condom use is recommended to avoid STIs.

PID is a serious health problem, which has a bad effect on the reproductive organs. That's why it is very important to know about its symptoms, causes and preventive measures.

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