How much do you know about periods? You may find these questions childish because periods happen every month. But believe me, there are many such things related to periods that even the menstruators themselves do not know about them. They believe in what they have heard and they start considering this very common thing related to their own body as different and untouchable. Maybe you have also heard such things that 'No, don't touch the pickle boxes, it will get spoiled, no, don't sleep on the bed, everything will be dirty, no, games should not be played on such an occasion.'

Talking about a country like India, periods are seen as a big taboo here. There are many homes where even today menstruators have to sleep under the bed or in a separate room during periods because of the belief that it is impure.

But do you know what kind of myths related to periods people believe?

Myth- It is not good to do sports during periods

Truth - This is a big myth that people believe to be true. Talking about the truth, there is indeed pain during periods, but there is no effect of doing sports or any kind of physical activity. Athletes etc. follow their complete routine and also do tournaments during periods.

There is indeed a lot of pain in the body during periods. If you can bear it, then absolutely move around and play. It won't make any difference.

Myth- Hair should not be washed or cut during periods

Truth- It is forbidden to wash hair and cut hair during periods. It is considered very bad, but there is no scientific reason for it. Washing hair during periods neither causes any physical change nor does it cause any defect.

Apart from this, there is no scientific proof regarding haircuts.

Myth- Pregnancy will not happen during periods

Truth- Even during periods if you have unprotected sex then it is possible to some extent that you become pregnant. It depends on your body. There is no 100% chance that you will not get pregnant during this time. During this time, sexually transmitted diseases can also bother you more, so you must avoid unprotected sex during this time.

Myth- Periods are only for women

Truth- Periods can happen to any menstruator. But it is a myth that it only happens to women. Periods happen to transgenders, transmen, and cisgenders, people who have had intersex operations, and non-binary people, too. Having periods isn't just feminine. People of all genders can be menstruators. Only our anatomy is responsible for this. Asexual people can also be menstruators.

Myth- Pickles go bad when touched during periods

Truth- It is not so at all. Pickle remains safe. Yes, eating sour during periods increases cramps in some menstruators and maybe this is the reason why eating sour is forbidden, but it does not mean at all that if you eat or touch anything during this period, it will be bad. Will happen.

Myth- Periods should happen in 28 days

Truth- It depends on everyone's health condition and their period cycle. Your periods don't need to come in 28 days only. Cycles up to 21-40 days are also considered normal at times. Therefore, if the cycle of periods is going up and down, then go to the doctor, but if your periods are coming at a normal time, then there is no need to worry.

Periods are still considered a dirty thing or bad, but it is nothing like that. A child is made in the womb for 9 months only from the blood of periods and in such a situation this cannot be dirty blood at all.