Recently, an outbreak of an infectious disease called parrot fever has been seen in Europe. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), since the beginning of this year, 5 people have died in Europe due to parrot fever. Let us know in detail what kind of disease it is, how it spreads, what are its symptoms, etc.

Parrot fever is also called Psittacosis, which is spread by a bacteria called 'Psittacemia psittaci'. This bacteria is found in birds like parrots, pigeons, and sparrows and the most important thing is that infected birds usually do not appear sick, but they release this bacteria into the air while breathing or defecating.

How does this disease spread?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, humans usually contract parrot fever by inhaling dust from the feces or other secretions of an infected bird. Apart from this, the disease can also spread if an infected bird bites someone or comes in direct contact with the beak. However, this disease does not spread through the consumption of meat from eaten animals.

Parrot fever havoc in Europe!
Many countries in Europe have fallen prey to this disease. In Austria, 14 cases were registered in 2023 and in the data till March 4 this year, 4 new cases have been reported. As of February 27, 23 cases have been reported in Denmark, out of which 4 people have died. There have been 5 cases of parrot fever in Germany this year, whereas 14 such cases were recorded in 2023. So far this year, 13 cases have been reported in Sweden. In the Netherlands, where an average of 9 cases are reported every year, 21 cases have been reported between the end of December and February 29 this year. This number is double compared to previous years.

Symptoms of parrot fever
In most cases, parrot fever is mild and symptoms appear 5 to 14 days after coming in contact with an infected bird. These symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, dry cough, fever, and tremors. In some cases, this disease can also cause pneumonia and heart problems.

Treatment of parrot fever
Parrot fever can be cured with antibiotics. These antibiotics are doxycycline or tetracycline, which are effective against Chlamydia psittaci. These antibiotics can usually be taken by mouth for 2-3 weeks. If you see symptoms of this disease, contact the doctor immediately.

How to stay away from parrot fever?
- Avoid coming in contact with parrots and other birds.
- If you must contact birds, wear a mask and gloves.
- Maintain distance from bird feces and feathers.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

(PC: Freepik)