Today, PAN cards are very useful for us. Much of our important information is recorded on this card. A PAN card is used for carrying out any kind of financial work. From opening a bank account to investing in the stock market, mutual funds, etc., we have a special need for a PAN card. If there is any kind of mistake in your PAN card and you want to get it corrected. In such a situation, you do not need to worry. You can easily get this work done online. You will not have to face any kind of problems with this. You can also do this work sitting at home using your smartphone. Let us know about it in detail in this episode -

For this, first of all, you have to visit this website After opening this website, you will have to select the option of changing/correcting PAN data in the application type. Apart from this, you also have to enter your category.

After this, whatever details will be asked from you. He has to fill it. After doing all this, finally, you will have to fill in the captcha code and submit the form. As soon as you submit the form. Similarly, your request will be registered. After this, you will receive a token number and a link on your email ID.

As soon as you click on this link. Similarly, the PAN update page will open on the screen. Here you have to fill in your required details and click on the Next button. After this, the soft copy of the necessary documents has to be uploaded. After uploading the documents you have to make payment. After completion of the payment process, you will get an acknowledgment slip.

You have to take care of it. Apart from this, you have to send the required information by post to the given address of the NSDL e-Governance. Finally, your information will be updated after verification.
​(PC: iStock)