Golden Blood: Till now you must know only about 8 types of blood groups, which include the names of A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, and AB-. So you must also know that AB- blood group is counted in a rare category. But your guess is wrong! Because there is also such a blood group, which is only 45 people in the world i.e. less than 1 per cent. This blood group is known as Golden Blood.

The even more interesting thing is that this blood can be given to a person of any blood group. It also easily matches with any blood group. This blood group is found in the body of a person whose Rh factor is null.

Found in people of these countries
Please tell that only a few people from America, Brazil, Colombia and Japan have golden blood. Out of a total of 45 golden blood people, only 9 people can donate blood. This is the reason why it is known as the Golden Blood Group. Please tell me that this is the most expensive blood group in the world. Golden blood can be offered to any human being, but people with this blood group have problems meeting their blood requirements.

History of golden blood
For the first time, golden blood was found in the year 1961. Golden blood was found in the body of an Aboriginal woman in Australia. There are no Rh antigens in this blood. This is a type of protein, which is a protein on the surface of red blood cells.

Cause of blood group
According to medical experts, due to mutation, golden blood is transferred from one generation to another. Due to marriage between a cousin brother, brother-sister or any distant relative, there can be a possibility of getting golden blood in their children. According to health experts, people of this blood group are deficient in haemoglobin. Apart from this, people with Ill blood group can also be a victim of anaemia.