The month of June is going on, due to which the scorching sun has started troubling people. The temperature of many cities has also crossed 40 degrees. The Meteorological Department had already warned people about the scorching heat this year. People are taking all kinds of measures to avoid heat and scorching sun.

If changes are not made in your clothes and food habits in this season, then it can cause a lot of harm to the body. It is said that one should always eat light food in this season. Along with this, plenty of water should also be drunk. If you go out a lot, then regularly consume such drinks, which cool the body. In this article, we are going to tell you about some such drinks, which are very beneficial in the summer season.

Watermelon juice
In the summer season, you will easily find watermelon in the market. You can make its juice and keep it in the fridge. Chilled watermelon juice will surely give you relief in the summer season.

Aam Pana

You can drink Aam Pana to avoid the scorching sun and heat wave. It is very easy to make. After making it, you can store it in the fridge for a day or two. Chilled Aam Pana is very tasty to drink.

Bel Sharbat

Bel is available in the market during the hot season. In such a situation, you can make its Sharbat and drink it. If you drink this Sharbat after coming from outside, then your body will get a lot of relief.

Orange Juice

Even though oranges are not available in large numbers in this season, but if you make its juice and drink it, then you will get a lot of relief. Chilled orange juice will give you relief in this summer season.

(PC: Instagram)