Deficiency or excess of any vitamin minerals in the body causes many problems. What are the disadvantages of omega-3 deficiency in the body and how its deficiency can be identified? Let's find out.

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that form the foundation of many cells in our bodies. The body cannot make these fats on its own, it can be taken only through diet or supplements. This is the reason why omega-3 fatty acids are called essential fats.

Helpful in reducing body inflammation and cholesterol
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that can reduce inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation in the body can damage blood vessels and lead to heart disease and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids benefit heart health by lowering triglycerides. From skin to hair and from mood to reducing obesity, it is very important. EPA (an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish) helps reduce fatty deposits in the arteries of the heart.

Symptoms of Omega-3 Deficiency
Fatigue and Sleeplessness: Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Apart from poor lifestyle and poor sleep, omega-3 deficiency can also be responsible for this.

Skin, hair and nail problems: Omega-3 fatty acids also play an important role in maintaining healthy skin and hair health, and a deficiency can lead to dry, flaky skin and brittle hair.

Difficulty concentrating: If you are easily distracted and find it difficult to concentrate on work or any other activity, you may have an omega-3 deficiency as the nutrient is important for cognitive function.

Dehydration and frequent urination: If you are suffering from dry mouth or throat and are dehydrated, omega-3 deficiency could be behind the problem.

Mood Swings: Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in brain function and when you don't have enough of it in your system, memory problems and other neurological problems can result.