Have you ever wondered why everyone sleeps at night and is awake during the day? Why do we get more sleep at night? Our sleep-wake cycle is determined by the circadian rhythm, also known as the body's internal clock. In the same way, due to any problem with the clock, we are not able to guess the time and the whole activity starts getting disrupted, in the same way, due to the problems in the circadian rhythm, the activity of the body can also be disrupted.

You will be surprised to know that circadian rhythm is not only necessary for controlling the time of sleep but also for other body functions like hormones-metabolism and maintaining health. Studies have found that problems with circadian rhythms can make you more prone to mood and brain disorders.

Learn about the circadian rhythm
Our circadian rhythm is controlled by many genes. It is also necessary for the regulation of wakefulness, body temperature, metabolism, digestion, and appetite. The circadian rhythm is the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that regulates cycles of wakefulness and sleep by reacting to changes in our environment.

As long as there is sunlight outside, we remain active, but when night falls, it sends a signal to the brain to produce the hormone melatonin, which helps us to sleep well. If there is any kind of problem with these, then it can have side effects on the whole body.

Irregular circadian rhythm problem
Irregular circadian rhythms can negatively impact a person's ability to sleep and function properly. This can result in several health problems, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and a variety of affective and mood disorders.

Studies have shown that night person, ie people who are more active during the night, maybe more prone to psychological health problems. It is also a condition that increases the risks related to depression or stress disorder in you.

It also affects physical health
Our blood pressure also follows a circadian rhythm, which is why it increases when we wake up in the morning and decreases at night when we go to sleep. The team of researchers found that circadian rhythms can also affect your metabolism, which can lead to a higher risk of weight gain, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

How to maintain a circadian rhythm?
To improve your circadian rhythm, it becomes very important to keep a few things in mind. To keep this in check, make a proper sleeping schedule, and make it a habit to sleep at the same time every night. When you go to sleep, make sure your room is dark and quiet. Exercise and avoid excessive intake of caffeine-alcohol.

Following these measures can be especially beneficial for you in keeping the circadian rhythm right.
