The problem of back pain is becoming very common in today's time. Bad posture is often blamed for back pain. However, sometimes lack of nutrition can also be the reason behind this.

Back pain is a problem that all of us have faced at one time or the other. It is often seen that whenever people complain of back pain, they either ignore it or take painkillers. They feel that this is happening because of their sitting job or bad lifestyle.

Surely this is a major cause of back pain. But apart from this, your eating habits can also cause back pain.

When you do not pay attention to your diet, it causes a deficiency of many types of nutrition in your body. Lack of some nutrition later becomes the cause of back pain. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you about some such nutrition, due to lack of which you may have severe back pain.


Calcium is very important for bone health. If calcium is deficient in the body or the body is not able to absorb it properly then it can cause weak bones. Due to this the risk of conditions like osteoporosis can increase, which can lead to back pain including fractures.

Vitamin D

If there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in your body then you may complain of back pain. Its deficiency is related to chronic low back pain. Vitamin D is very important for bone health. When its level in the body is low, it can cause weak bones. Due to this you may not only get back pain but can also increase the risk of fracture.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause back pain. Vitamin B12 is essential for nerve function and deficiency of this vitamin can cause nerve damage and pain. You may feel a tingling or numbness along with lower back pain.


Magnesium deficiency can give rise to many problems in the body and the complaint of back pain is one of them. Magnesium plays an important role in muscle function and relaxation. Therefore, when magnesium is deficient in the body, it can cause tension and cramps in the muscles. Due to this pain is felt in the lower back.


You may not know, but due to a lack of potassium, you may also have to face the problem of back pain. Potassium is an electrolyte that is involved in muscle contraction. Therefore, when the potassium level in the body is low, it can cause weakness and cramps in the muscles, which can later lead to back pain.

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