Odorous feet are a common problem in the summer season, but due to this, many times one has to feel embarrassed. Do your feet stink more, especially when you wear shoes? Many people use perfume to get rid of this problem, but due to this, the smell can also increase. Today in this article, we will tell you easy home remedies to get rid of foot odour. Let us know why the feet smell and the ways to get rid of them.

Why do feet smell?

  • When the feet start smelling due to moisture. That's why you should try not to sweat your feet.
  • Due to not cleaning the feet properly, the feet also start smelling. That's why it is said that the feet should always be kept clean.
  • This also happens because of the weather. The problem of sweating is very common, especially in summer.

Lavender oil will work

Essential oils are very beneficial for skin to hair. That's why they are used in beauty and hair care products. You can also get rid of foot odour with the help of lavender oil. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties are found in lavender oil. That's why there is no infection in the feet by its use.

Ingredients required

  • Water
  • lavender oil

Method to prepare and use

  • Pour water into a tub and add a few drops of lavender oil to it.
  • Now soak your feet in this water for some time.
  • By doing this your feet will not stink.
  • Use this homemade foot soak for at least 5-10 minutes daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is used for food to clean the house. If your feet smell more, then you can use apple cider vinegar for this.

Ingredients required

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Water

Method to prepare and use

  • Add lukewarm or cold water to the apple cider vinegar.
  • Soak feet in apple cider vinegar.

Keep these things in mind

  • If you want that your feet to not smell, then for this you should wash your feet daily.
  • If you wear socks, be sure to change them daily. Due to dirty socks, the feet also stink.
  • Why must do a pedicure at home once a week by yourself? Dead skin is removed by getting a pedicure done. Plus, your feet look beautiful. You do not need to go to the parlour for this. You can easily do a pedicure in just a few steps.
  • You can use anti-fungal foot spray. This will not cause any kind of infection in your feet. You will find this spray easily in the market.
  • To keep the feet clean and healthy, also clean them with a foot scrub once a week. It is also necessary to moisturize the feet well so that it does not crack.

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