Hormones need to be balanced. If there is even a slight up and down in hormones, many types of problems can arise in the body. Like irregular periods, thyroid, PCOD, stress, and fertility-related complaints. If you are also feeling some such changes within yourself or you are also experiencing stress-like complaints, then you must follow these tips given by the experts. Health expert Lavneet Kaur is giving information about this.

These tips will be useful in keeping hormones healthy

  • Many people among us do not like to be in the sun. Due to this also hormones become unbalanced. In such a situation, try to stay in contact with sunlight even if only for a short while. This increases the secretion of a hormone called serotonin in the brain which helps in improving the mood and makes the person feel calm and focused.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol. Especially on an empty stomach, this helps stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent hormonal imbalances caused by alcohol's effects on insulin and cortisol. Alcohol-induced hormonal disorders affect the entire body and can result in problems like stress, thyroid, fertility issues etc.

  • Getting proper sleep is very important to reset hormones. Sleep helps maintain hormones like leptin, ghrelin, insulin and cortisol.
  • Apart from this, you should also avoid caffeine. Caffeine stimulates our adrenal glands first thing in the morning, causing more release of the stress hormone cortisol.

Physical activity has a profound effect on hormonal health. Apart from improving blood flow to your muscles, exercise increases hormone receptor sensitivity i.e. it increases the delivery of nutrients and hormone signals.

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