In their desire to have long and thick hair, people try all kinds of remedies without thinking, whereas most of these remedies do not have any direct or major impact on the hair growth process. We asked our hair experts about some of the popular beliefs and myths related to hair growth and are sharing the information we got from them with you here.

Hair is an important part of your personality and face… their beauty enhances the beauty of your face. In such a situation, it becomes very important to take care of hair health and for this, it is important that you have the right information. There are many misconceptions prevalent among people regarding hair growth... many types of home remedies are used in the name of hair growth. But in reality, most people do not know how effective these measures are. That is why in this article we are trying to give you complete and correct information related to hair growth.

We talked about this to Dr. ViplavKamble, Skin and Hair Specialist at Shatabdi Hospital, Maharashtra and we are sharing the information received from him here with you. Here we will explain to you the process of hair growth as well as talk about the myths related to it and will provide you with the correct facts about them.

What is the Process of Hair Growth?

First of all, you have to understand how hair grows. So in this regard, Dr. Viplav explains that new cells are formed in the hair follicles at certain times and then these new cells join together and become hard. As many new hard cells are added to the hair from below, it slowly moves up through the skin. In this way, hair grows at the rate of 1 cm per month, but the growth rate of hair in different places is different. For example, instead of the head, the hair on the face and other parts of the body grows slower.

4 Stages of the Hair Growth Cycle

In the medical world, hair growth is divided into 4 phases… Anagen, Catagen, Telogen and Exogen. Anagen is the active growth phase during which hair grows to its full length. Next comes catagen, which is called regression in Hindi, which marks the transition of hair from active growth to the resting phase. The third phase is telogen i.e. resting phase, when hair follicles become inactive and after this hair growth stops. Finally comes exogenous, when the hair separates from the hair follicle and starts falling out and new hair grows in its place.

In this way, the process continues in these 4 stages from the growth of new hair on the head to their falling. It is natural for hair to fall after its life cycle ends, as other hairs take their place. According to our experts, it is normal for an adult person to lose about 70 to 100 hairs from the head every day. But if the hair roots get damaged during the growth process, then the hair starts falling abnormally and no new hair grows in their place. In such a situation, that particular part of the scalp becomes bald, which is called Alopecia. The problem of baldness is very complex in itself because it is difficult to grow hair again on that spot. For now, here we are talking about hair growth, so let us talk about the myths and facts related to it.

Myths and Facts about Hair Growth

In their desire to have long and thick hair, people try all kinds of remedies without thinking, whereas most of these remedies do not have any direct or major impact on the hair growth process. We asked our hair experts about some such popular beliefs and myths related to hair growth and are sharing the information received from them with you.

Does hair grow by applying eggs on the head?

People adopt many types of home remedies for hair growth, among these, applying egg on the head is also common. But does applying egg make hair grow faster? In this regard, our hair expert Dr. ViplavKamble says that egg is a great source of protein and protein is necessary for hair growth because hair is made of protein only. But for this, protein must be consumed instead of applying it externally. Externally, egg paste can improve hair texture and not promote hair growth.

Does trimming make hair grow?

Another common trend related to hair is that trimming hair increases hair growth. So in this regard, our hair expert Dr. ViplavKamble says that trimming helps in the growth of only those hairs which are in the process of growth stage. If the hair has already entered the telogen i.e. resting phase, then this will not affect hair growth. Yes, this can get rid of the problem of split ends and because of this, your hair will look better than before.

Does daily shampooing make hair grow?

At the same time, some people believe that if you shampoo regularly every day, then hair starts growing faster. While shampoo has no direct effect on the hair growth process, it only helps in keeping the scalp clean.

Our Dr. ViplavKamble says that for hair growth, it is important to have better mental health along with a balanced diet and daily routine. Foods containing protein, iron and Vitamin A and Vitamin E should be consumed as much as possible in the diet, such as milk, curd, egg, spinach, carrot, pulses and seeds are beneficial. Stress affects hair growth, so along with minimizing stress, one should try to get good sleep and improve mental health. For this, yoga like Shirshasana, Matsyasana and Balasana are beneficial to a great extent.

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