Photo credit: Zee News

We all know very well that Vastu Shastra is very important in human life because in Vastu Shastra many rules and remedies have been given to solve every small problem that comes in human life. We all know very well that cloves have always been used in Vastu remedies, but do you know that by using cloves, you can overcome all the problems in your career and get a lot of progress? Let us tell you through this article about the remedies related to cloves and camphor to get rid of the problems in life according to Vastu Shastra -

* According to Vastu Shastra, if someone is getting sick in your house or there are frequent fights between family members, then the reason for all these can be the negative energy present in your house, to get relief from this problem Burn 7-8 cloves on a pan and keep it in a corner of the house. You will definitely get benefit from doing this remedy.

Photo credit: Yuva Dynamite

* According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that while performing the Aarti of God in the morning in the temple of the house, do Aarti by putting 2 cloves in the lamp. By doing this, your house remains pure and calm, and negative energy also does not enter your house.

* Let us tell you that even after trying a lot, you are not getting success in your career, which you deserve, then for this, keep cloves, betel nut, and cardamom in a betel leaf and offer it to Ganesha and pray Do it. By doing this, you start getting success in your work.

Photo credit: Zee News

* If there is domestic distress in your home, then you should burn cloves with camphor on Saturday for that. And then keep it at the main door of the house. The negative energy present in your house gets destroyed and happiness and peace start to reside.

* Even after working hard, if you are facing financial problems, then to get relief from this problem, throw seven black pepper and cloves around your head and throw them where no one comes or goes.