Our lifestyle has become such that we want everything instant. This is the reason that microwave is being used in almost every household. Not only for cooking, we sometimes use the microwave to dry clothes as well. In many cases, this overuse spoils your gadget. But people do not know what things should not be put in the microwave at all. If you are thinking that these are only food items, then it is wrong.

An important part of microwave safety knows what can and cannot be heated. Let us tell you which things should not be used in the microwave at all.

1. Aluminium foil

What if sparking starts while reheating food? The same will happen if you keep aluminium foil along with food in the microwave. The inner part of the microwave is made of metal, due to which gives a mirror effect. Because of this, heat spreads all around. Now if any metal goes inside the microwave, then these heat waves will hit it and make it excessively hot. In such a situation, aluminium foil starts burning. This is dangerous for the microwave as well as for you.

2. Paper Bags

Nowadays food is delivered in paper bags from many places. If it is put directly in the microwave, the paper bag will start burning. Only special types of paper bags can go in it, such as popcorn paper bags with skewers.

3. Plastic bags and containers

Even if you are using microwave-safe containers, it is wrong to put plastic in the microwave. When plastic is heated, a compound called BPA (Bisphenol A) is released. According to research by Harvard Health Publication, it can cause disturbances in our hormones.

4. Clothes

You may find it strange to hear this, but many people start using microwaves to dry clothes as well. If someone has to wear a shirt in a hurry and it is wet, it is not a good idea to dry it in the microwave. There have also been cases where people's clothes have caught fire because of this.

5. Egg

Many such recipes have started coming in which the egg is cracked directly in the cup and put in the microwave. In such a situation, if you are using a whole egg, then there is a risk of it breaking. If you put the egg directly in the microwave, it will crack. Actually, by doing this, the steam inside the egg increases considerably. This can damage the microwave and even if it is not damaged, it will still smell like eggs for a long time.

6. Polystyrene Foam Container

Nowadays food is being delivered in polystyrene foam containers. These are called Styrofoam. They should be kept away from the microwave. Not because they burn, but because they release chemicals into the food. Many people use them only for heating food, but this causes the inner foam to melt and your food gets contaminated.

7. Eating without a lid

When food is heated in the microwave, there is scope for it to swell. Similarly, when you heat a curry-based food, it rises. This can make the microwave very dirty.

8. Whole Chili

If you put very hot chillies directly in the microwave, then there is scope for smoke to fill the whole room as soon as you open the microwave. The hotness of chillies can also harm your eyes.

Running the microwave empty is also harmful. If you do this, the microwave may be damaged. The heat waves present in the microwave have to collide with something. If this is not the case, these waves will directly hit the microwave and damage the device.


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