'I will rest only once the work is over.' Most women keep working thinking this. But doing this can be your big mistake. Doing non-stop home and office work can make you sick. This increases both stress and depression. If you want to avoid these problems, then definitely take a 'micro-break'. Micro breaks are small breaks, which recharge you to work again. This increases both your efficiency and focus.

What is a micro-break?

Micro breaks are small breaks, which recharge you to work again. It is only for one to five minutes. Experts say that micro-breaks are much more beneficial than long breaks or weekend rest. This allows you to relax physically and mentally. These micro-breaks affect you immediately and give you relaxation.

Increases focus

According to the Journal of Professional Development, taking micro-breaks increases both focus and efficiency. When you work for a long time without a break, your brain gets tired, due to which it becomes difficult to focus. So take a break, listen to your favorite music, and talk to your friends or colleagues.

Reducing tension
Women carry the pressure of completing every task on time. Both this stress and pressure can put you into depression, which most women do not even realize. In such a situation, just a five-minute break can reduce your stress level.

Be creative
When you get tired while working continuously, it also affects your creativity. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to think of something new. Micro breaks open your mind to new ideas. During this time, do breathing exercises. Light stretching will also be beneficial in this.

Energy level
Working continuously for a long time reduces the energy level. If you do a long-sitting job in the office or are engaged in household chores, then micro breaks give you a chance to move. This keeps your heart healthy and also keeps diseases like diabetes away.

What to do in such a situation

The Pomodoro technique can help you with this. It is a time management method, which is based on 25 minutes of focused work after a five-minute break. At the same time, you can do agile working i.e. flexible working. It is based on working according to your convenience instead of giving all the time at once.

At least two breaks in 60 minutes

Dr. Pooja Mahor, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, KGMU, Lucknow, says, a micro break increases your creativity, motivates you and reduces your process of getting tired. Take a few minutes of break and stretch in it. Walking for a while or doing something different from your work recharges you. It increases your ability to work. Pomodoro technique and time blocking can help you schedule your break, in which a time is scheduled to take a break. To take a good break, do your important tasks first. Taking at least two micro-breaks in 60 minutes can prove beneficial for you.