Mental stress has become a common problem in today's busy life. People become victims of mental stress due to many reasons like workload, ups and downs in relationships, and financial constraints. Yogasana is a natural and effective way to relieve mental stress.

This is a pranayama which helps in controlling breathing. Doing Anulom Vilom calms the mind and reduces stress. By doing this yoga daily, stress is easily released from the mind.

This asana stretches the back and shoulders, thereby reducing stress. Doing Bhujangasana also improves blood circulation in the body.

This asana helps in calming the mind and reducing stress. By doing Balasana, the body gets relief and fatigue is removed. Doing this yoga daily calms the mind and brain.

This asana helps in improving concentration and balance. Doing Vrikshasana calms the mind and reduces stress. This provides mental peace and increases concentration.

This asana gives complete relaxation to the body and mind. Doing Shavasana reduces stress and improves sleep. Incorporating this yoga into daily life releases stress and gives peace to the mind.
​(PC: Freepik)