If you want to maintain overall health, then paying attention to only physical health is not enough, mental health is also considered to play a big role in it. Physical and mental health are complementary to each other. The effect of a problem in any one of these can be harmful.

In many recent reports, it has been expressed concern that over time the risk of mental health disorders has increased in people. Especially since the Corona pandemic, problems like anxiety and stress are affecting people of almost every age.

Are you also troubled by such problems? If yes, then start taking measures for it from now on. Habits like meditation, yoga, a good diet, adequate sleep, and stress management help keep mental health strong. Some lifestyle changes can help keep your mental health fine.

What to do
Good sleep and regular exercise are very important

Good sleep and regular exercise can be two effective ways to reduce the risk of mental health problems. Physical exercise such as yoga, running, swimming, etc. releases a hormone called endorphin in the brain, which reduces stress and makes us feel happy.

Apart from this, at least 6-8 hours of sleep is necessary every day. Along with good sleep, regular yoga exercise and meditation practice can also benefit the problem.

Improve lifestyle
Health experts say that changing lifestyle can help prevent mental health problems like stress-anxiety and depression. In situations like stress-anxiety, talk to friends, and share your problems, this gives mental peace.

Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate. A balanced diet can also help reduce symptoms.

What not to do?

Do not resort to intoxication.
When there is anxiety and stress, people often resort to intoxication, which increases problems for you. Alcohol keeps you intoxicated by acting as a barrier for some time, but this can delay the correct diagnosis of the disease, due to which there is a risk of the disease taking a serious form. Do not consume alcohol or any intoxicating substance if you feel any kind of mental health problem.

Keep your distance from social media.
Excessive use of social media can also cause mental exhaustion and anxiety, so use technology in a limited and controlled manner. Avoid spending too much time on the screen. Increased screen time affects sleep and can hurt mental health.