Menopause is a natural process which every woman has to face one day or the other. When a woman's menstruation stops, it is called menopause. This happens at the age of 40 to 50. Women have to face a lot of difficulties during menopause. Among these, women are mostly troubled by the problem of insomnia. In medical language, it is called menopause insomnia. Let us know about this in detail from the experts. Information about this is being given by DR ANAMIKA KAWATRA MBBS, MD OBS & GYNAE (GOLD MEDALIST KGMU), FELLOWSHIP LAPAROSCOPIC GYNECOLOGY CONSULTANT LAPAROSCOPIC GYNECOLOGIST, OBSTETRICIAN & INFERTILITY SPECIALIST.

What is menopause insomnia?

According to experts, women going through menopause have to face sleep disturbance. Most women wake up around 3 to 3.30 in the night. This happens due to women feeling hot at night, sweating and frequent urge to pass urine. Many times women have no idea why they wake up. Experts say that during menopause the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop.

Due to this, there is the problem of sleeplessness. Progesterone is a sleep-inducing hormone. When this hormone decreases, there is the problem of sleep.

Tips to prevent menopause insomnia

  • Reduce caffeine intake.
  • Avoid sleeping in the evening or afternoon.
  • Keep your distance from the TV, mobile, or laptop at bedtime.
  • Avoid eating too much before sleeping.
  • Quit consuming alcohol or smoking.

  • Sleep and wake up at a fixed time every day.
  • Do some physical activity.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Add foods rich in Vitamin E to your diet.
  • Take the help of cognitive behavior therapy.

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