Marriage is a lifelong relationship. There are problems with it too. But how many questions did you ask before marriage and were you asked anything or not? The decision of marriage is important for the boy and the girl as well as the whole family. That is why apart from the parents, relatives also participate in this decision. Changing times have also included the center of this relationship, that is, the future husband and wife, who are aware of the future and want to discuss the problems that may arise later. In such a situation, what issues should you talk about with your future life partner?

Talk about career

Whether you want to study, work, or stay at home after marriage, talk to him about this issue beforehand and know his priorities too. Do not move ahead without knowing how much your studies and career matter to him.

Financial security

Talk about how your household expenses and investments will be after marriage. Your husband may have the responsibility of the house, in such a case, there may be less scope for him to spend and invest according to your wishes. Most of the disagreements after marriage are on this issue. Therefore, all these things should be clear to both of you beforehand.

Your role

What are your responsibilities going to be after marriage? Will you be able to live in a joint family? Will you be able to handle those responsibilities? Such questions come to mind. In such a case, try to know about his family members and prepare yourself to play your role, so that you do not feel trapped later.

Responsibilities should be decided

It is possible that you may not have any responsibility towards the family or you are a single child, in such a case your role will be like that of a son. How will you fulfill your responsibilities towards your parents after marriage? Will your future husband help you in fulfilling this responsibility, definitely know this.

Partner's customs
The customs and traditions of every house are different. In such a case, geographical distance can increase this difference. You can ask him about the customs and rituals of the marriage and accordingly, you can make preparations before and after the marriage so that there is no problem.

Partner's choice

What qualities does he want to see in a wife? What does he like to do in his leisure time? What are his hobbies and what does he dislike? Know about this. This will not only help you prepare yourself but also help you assess the personality of the other person.

Likes and dislikes

Family relationship counselor Shobhana says, nowadays it is customary to live wearing a mask, but it is most important to remove the mask and talk about real issues in front of your future life partner. For example, is the environment of his house ancient or modern? Also, ask your future life partner about his wishes and imagination. Ask him if he is ready for marriage. Is there any pressure on him? Know his likes and dislikes. Talk about how the household expenses will be managed. Remember, do not make any promises for the future, which may cause problems later. Also, understand that for a happy married life, it is essential that both have equal habits of adjustment.

(PC: Pexel)