We all love to do makeup. At the same time, the role of eye makeup is very important in this. Often you must have seen that after doing eye makeup, our eyes start to look smaller or sometimes the already small eyes look even smaller.

Let us tell you that to make small eyes look bigger, you can resort to many types of makeup hacks and make your eyes look bigger. Although concealer is useful in many ways while applying makeup on the face, do you know that with the help of concealer, you can also do eye makeup and make small eyes look bigger by creating an illusion? So let's know how to use concealer to make small eyes look bigger. Will also tell some things related to makeup.

After applying eyeliner

If you like to apply different types of eyeliner, then to give a clean look, you can make a stick line with the help of concealer towards the outer corner, with the help of which your eyes start to look like almond shape. This is how the most winged-eye liner is applied with the help of concealer to give your eyes a clean and sharp look after applying eye makeup.

For a simple eye look

Even with a simple eye look, you can make your eyes look bigger by using concealer. For this, before starting the makeup, apply a little concealer on the lid area above the eyes and then blend it with the help of a beauty blender. After this, do not forget to set it with the help of powder. By doing this, the concealer on your eyes will not get mussed and will remain long-lasting. Similarly, you can hide dark circles with the help of concealer.

Cut crease eye look

Although there are many types of eye makeup, to make the eyes look bigger, the cut-crease eye look can be used to make your small eyes look bigger. Explain that in the cut-crease look, a semi-circle is made in the lid area above the eyes with the help of a concealer, with the help of which an illusion is created and small eyes appear bigger. At the same time, for this, you can use the colour palette of 2 to 3 different eyeshadows.