Makeup Hacks Setting spray is used to keep makeup set but do you know there are many other ways you can use it? If not, then let's know about it here.

Makeup Hacks: Makeup setting spray is used in weddings, parties, or any function to keep the makeup on the face for a long time. By spraying it, the face also looks fresh for a long time. But did you know that you can use the setting spray in many other ways? So let's know about it in this article.

Can help in setting eyebrows

Many times a plan is made to go to a party all of a sudden but the eyebrows are not set, so after making your eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil, spray a little makeup setting on the eyebrow brush and move it on the eyebrows. This will give your eyebrows a thick and natural look.

Use as a primer

Primer is used as a makeup base after applying moisturizer and sunscreen on your face. But if you do not have this product, then the best option is setting spray. After applying moisturizer on the face, apply makeup setting spray. After this, complete it with concealer and foundation.

Use as an eyeshadow base

You can also use makeup setting spray to apply eyeshadow. For this, sprinkle setting spray on the eyes and dab with a sponge. After this, first apply nude eyeshadow, then on top of it your favorite eyeshadow shade.

Makeup eyeliner

There is a mood to apply eyeliner of some different colors but if you do not have it, then makeup setting spray can also work here. Spray a little makeup setting spray on an eyeliner brush and touch it over your favorite eyeshadow shade. When the eyeshadow shade sticks to the brush, apply it on the eyelid like eyeliner.

Use as a highlighter

Highlights are used to highlight facial features and hide blemishes etc. But they are expensive and are mostly used only in events like marriages, and parties, they are not used in daily wear. So if you do not have a highlighter, you can use makeup setting spray instead. For this, spritz some setting spray on a fan brush, apply some concealer on it and apply it on the areas you want to highlight.