High blood pressure is becoming a big problem in today's time, due to which even the elderly and the young population are not untouched. High blood pressure is also known as high blood pressure or hypertension. About 26 percent of the world's population is suffering from high blood pressure. Ignoring high blood pressure can be troublesome as it causes many other diseases. In this case, consuming a healthy diet and regular exercise can help in controlling high blood pressure. In such a situation, you can also take the help of Yogasana. Today in this episode, we are going to give you information about some Yogasanas, practising which can help in controlling the problem of blood pressure. Let's know about them...

Bridge pose
This asana not only effectively lowers blood pressure, but is also good for relieving arthritis pain and strengthening muscles. Start the asana by lying straight on the back. Bend the knees and elbows. Keep the feet firmly on the floor near the hips and your hands on either side of the head. Keeping both hands and feet on the ground, slowly try to lift your body in the air. See that at this point your body will become like a bridge. Stay in this posture for 20-30 seconds. Now slowly bring the body back to the same posture as before.

Child's pose is beneficial for hypertension patients. It helps in controlling high blood pressure. For this, first of all, spread a carpet or mat in a clean environment. Now facing the Sun, bend your legs and sit in Vajrasana posture. After this, while breathing, take both your hands up. While exhaling, bend forward. Continue this sequence till then. Till your palms touch the ground. After this rest your head on the ground. After coming in this posture, leave the body continuously and feel relaxed. Breathe in and exhale. However, take it easy. Don't make any haste in this. One can stay in this pose for 1 to 3 minutes. It must be done at least 5 times daily.

Virasana is considered to be the most beneficial, as any yoga that involves breathing is good for people with high BP. By doing Virasana, BP remains under control, the nervous system remains correct and stress is reduced to a great extent. For this, sit on your knees on the ground. Keep both hands on the knees. Keep your hips between the ankles and reduce the distance between the knees. Pull the navel inward. Stay like this for some time and rest after 30 seconds.