You must have seen that our nails get blackened from the inside. Due to dust-soil or cleanliness, dirt starts accumulating in the nails. This is the reason why it is also advised to keep the nails short. Due to this dusty soil bacteria flourish which can enter your stomach and make you sick.

Apart from taking care of your nails, keeping them clean is also very important. This will also save you from many diseases and your hands and feet will not look dirty. You do not need very expensive products for nail cleaning. Nor do you need to go to a parlour and spend thousands of money; you can keep your nails clean at home.

Rinse with lukewarm water

Avoid washing your hands and feet with hot water. This can make the skin dry. Dip your hands and feet in lukewarm water for 2-3 minutes and then scrub gently with the help of a soft brush. With this, the dirt and dirt accumulated in the nails will be easily cleaned.

Use pedicure tools

It is easy to remove dirt from the nails of the hand, but it is difficult to clean the nails of the feet. Use a pedicure tool to remove any built-up dirt around the edge of the nail. Use a tool like a Sharpie pen to scrape off the dirt from the edge, but be careful not to hurt yourself.

Take special care while washing hands

Take your time whenever you wash your hands. Hands will not be clean in haste. Remove dirt by rubbing your fingers. Clean off blackheads with a fingernail and then dry after washing hands thoroughly in water. Don't forget to moisturize your hands afterwards.

Keep your nails short

Big nails are liked by every girl, but with big nails, the dirt gets frozen. If you want to keep your nails clean, trim them from time to time. If possible, keep your nails short. Due to this neither dirt will enter them nor will bacteria flourish.

Use a nail brush

Keep a small nail brush in your kit too, which will be useful for cleaning your nails. Whenever you wash your hands and feet, make sure to use a nail brush. Scrub them with a damp nail brush. In this way, the nails will be clean not only from above but also from inside.

Make nail polish dip

Put 1/2 tsp baking soda in a bowl and mix it by adding lukewarm water. Also, put small pieces of lemon in it. Now dip your nails in this dip and clean the nails with the help of lemon inside the bowl. You can try the same method to clean the toenails. This will also give a different shine to the nails.

Clean denture tablet

Denture tablets are used by dentists. Have you ever heard that nails can also be cleaned with this? Dip your fingers in a bowl with water and these tablets. After this, clean the nails with a soft bristle brush. This way your nails are clean and shiny.

See, there are no easy ways! Now clean the dirt off your nails with the help of these tips.

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